21 juni, 2011

Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business


En länk till en film om ett alternativt sätt att bota cancer. Inte giftig, till skillnad från traditionell cancerbehandling.

Så här skriver Barbara C i kommentarfältet:
Since WWII treatment of cancer has been radiation, chemotherapy and/or surgery. 60+ yrs and billions of $$ of research money we are still meant to believe that the only treatments are radiation, chemotherapy and/or surgery?

It cannot be in any free society that any official body takes away the basic human right of freedom of choice... and I do hope that this movie brings us, humanity, towards freedom, allows us to own our bodies (in good and bad times). the procedures taken by FDA and NCI are nothing less then appalling. The case described in another movie, on the 'deliberate creation' of a name/disease in order to produce a pharmaceutical to treat this 'symptom' and FDA´s and similar european associations' involvement in approving medication, is a relevant addition to this case.

Other than the a.m. suggestion of a Nobel Prize for Dr Burzynski for the invention of antineoplastons he deserves a Nobel Prize for 'persistence, courage and patience' for managing to work with patients and providing healing for them whilst having FDA & others on his 'throat' constantly. Only someone operating from a place of compassion and love can have such enduring energy. With hope and respect, love and light.

Hoppas Dr Burzynski får sitt nobelpris, då det skulle innebära att hans arbete erkänns och att man då börjar behandla cancer som han gör det.
Här är adressen till hans hemsida http://www.burzynskiclinic.com/

2 kommentarer:

    "Only someone operating from a place of compassion and love can have such enduring energy. With hope and respect, love and light."


  2. Ja, visst är det väl underbart om/att det faktiskt FINNS ett botemedel mot cancer!!!
    Jag MÅSTE se hela filmen (hoppas den ligger ute länge)
