This is my castle, this is my home.
These are the rooms my family will roam.
Six beautiful stories high, reaching for the sky.

As I´m slowly drifting through the grounds
I still hear the howling from the hounds,
trapped inside the cage of wire,
as the rumble grew higher and higher.

The walls came down and the roof gave in,
the floors grew soft and the rain came in.
This was my castle and my home
these are the grounds my spirit roam.
Var på utflykt till Bergkvara slottruin i söndags. Hundar i bur skällde på Bergkvara gård. Där bor fortfarande släkten Trolle. En svärson till en Trolle byggde detta magnifika slott år 1470. Solen värmde mot slottsmuren och i sjön seglade en ensam svan.